New Poem : The Snowman

The Snowman!What Happens to the SnowmanWhen it Melts ?Does it only fade awayLike I’ve feltWhen I’m down on my reason to be ?(Which seems to occur seasonally)When I tighten up my beltTo prepare for the long winter daysShortened by the HoursFar more than it paysWhile sniffles, & coughs & a lingering malaise(along with Tissues Crumpled […]

The Return Of The Thanx Giving Squirrel !

‘THE RETURN OF THE THANKSGIVING SQUIRREL’ ! Oddly enough, my pet name for my daughter Seraphina has always been ‘Squirrel’, so it was with pleasure & excitement that we had the chance to welcome her here in Milano for a few days last week before she returned to her London home to gear up for […]

‘As If What We LOOK Like, Discounts What Is Within Us’

I wish to send forth a Shout Out of Great Respects for what I’ve been informed is ‘NATIVE HERITAGE MONTH’. And since we are now abiding in an age where everyone is ‘coming out of the closet’ & rejuvenating their identities with updates of recognition, I’ve also recently determined that I’d no longer deny the […]

Happy Halloween 2023 !

Autumn has always been my favorite time of the year. Whereas Spring announces the rebirth of everlasting arrival, ‘The Fall Season’ explodes with the marvelous diversity of maturity Whereby the Sensuous Vanity of Nature puts her Exhibitionist Proclivities & her full array of Transformational Tonal Variety on Vivid, Molecular Display. AUTUMN IS ELECTRIC ! AUTUMN […]

..Or Maybe Next Year Just Franks & Beans !!

Dear Children of the Sun, I greet you on this day of October 4 2023 to honor our family’s ‘NAME DAY’ It’s called Onomastico in Italian. It’s the day honoring Saint Francis of Assisi, who is the Patron Saint of Italy, we have my lovely Madame Francesca, our Son Francesco Mingus, & my Baptism name […]

Oliver’s Army !

As a Writer & Producer, it is never not refreshing & reinvigorating to be reminded on occasion of what the simple power & elegance of what just ONE SONG SUNG WITH CONVICTION & Basic Instrumentation (even more so when it’s just one solo instrument) still retains the spellbinding magical allure to effect. Technology as a […]

Gratitude & Greetings !

I’d like to thank each of you who participate with us in this ongoing production of our experience traversing the ‘Light Fantastic’ for your always amusing & interesting contribution to our process. It is always stimulating & appreciated ! I’d also like to take the opportunity that today provides to wish a HAPPY 65th BIRTHDAY […]