The Return Of The Thanx Giving Squirrel !

‘THE RETURN OF THE THANKSGIVING SQUIRREL’ ! Oddly enough, my pet name for my daughter Seraphina has always been ‘Squirrel’, so it was with pleasure & excitement that we had the chance to welcome her here in Milano for a few days last week before she returned to her London home to gear up for […]

‘As If What We LOOK Like, Discounts What Is Within Us’

I wish to send forth a Shout Out of Great Respects for what I’ve been informed is ‘NATIVE HERITAGE MONTH’. And since we are now abiding in an age where everyone is ‘coming out of the closet’ & rejuvenating their identities with updates of recognition, I’ve also recently determined that I’d no longer deny the […]

Sinéad / Shuhada Sadaqat

‘AND THEY WERE AFRAID OF HER, As Well They Should Have Been’. I’ve always had a true regard for the Madame Sadaqat’s fierce courage & intensity of vision. And her non compromising stance towards her Art was never not galvanizing. One of those instances where a woman has neon painted balls much bigger than the […]

The Cost Of Living

‘We May Not Come In the Shapes U Like But We Come.’ Dedicated to All Tribes Who Toil in the Fields of Harvest, in This, the Land of Plenty. Part 1: My wife & I wished to bring our children to Assisi where we got married 20 years ago on the 30th of June, so […]

Discussing “Introducing The Hardline” in Dolby Atmos

Sometime last year, the great Martyn Ware & I were asked to participate in a Dolby Atmos Theatre presentation of the Atmos Edition of the 35th Anniversary Remastered Version of ‘Introducing the Hardline According to’, my initial foray into the Madness to be met within the Mouth of the Lion. It was genially hosted by […]