St. Patrick Day 2024

I’d like to express my gratitude for your general response to my latest offering‘The Birthday Song’. It is SO very much appreciated & is a delight to my spirit. The same spirit that was touched more than we expected upon hearing of the physical demise of World Party’s great & gifted KARL WALLINGER. The word […]

The Birthday Song !

I am quite psyched about the first Smoke Signals arriving today from my upcoming release (May 11) ‘The Pegasus Project: Pegasus & the Swan’, via this initial foray into the mystic madness ‘THE BIRTHDAY SONG’ ! But as a bonus to this most blessed day (unless you were Julius Caesar), EIDMAR PRODUCTIONS & myself present […]

Sananda on George Michael

Sananda in 2022 was interviewed by writer & journalist Godfried Nevels who wrote a book on George Michael. This is the original interview in English and you can find below an extract from the book in Dutch. Enjoy ! Intro by Sananda: “At one point 2 years ago we were given the opportunity to participate […]

TreeHouse Publishing Salutes Martin Luther King Day 2024 !

‘A Salute to Someone who Spoke Up Even During a Time when merely to dare say ‘OUCH, THAT HURT’ was considered provocative, militant, & problematic. The Work Continues As All Good Work Must. Our Fathers Victories Were Not Our Own, Only Our Own Efforts Can Secure the Measure of Liberty Required to Bathe Our Dreams […]

Buon Compleanno Madame Francone Maitreya !

Part 1: Our Family History states that one early morning before school, my Madame Francesca, at 13, was sitting at her family’s breakfast table gazing upon an item she held in her hand. Her mother upon entering the kitchen to arouse her senses with Coffee asked her what she was looking at. To which the […]