The Madame Maitreya went with one of her ‘besties’ to a Bellini opera at Milano’s fabled ‘LA SCALA’. Her interest peaked by the fact that FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME ever, a woman, SPERANZA SCAPPUCCI, conducted the orchestra. As well as the first woman to conduct anything there at all since 1995. I confess to […]

‘LIBRARIA DYSLEXIA’ Presents: Giuseppe In Africa !

  ‘LIBRARIA DYSLEXIA’ Presents: Giuseppe In Africa ! (A Tale Of 2 Cities or A Sale Of 2 Titties ?). The English language is a wonderful, flexible beast. Unlike the beautiful French tongue whereby academic gatekeepers are responsible for keeping the lingua ‘pure’, English invites endless innovation & absorbs more easily the creativity that it […]


‘TRUE CONFESSIONS’ of Maitreya (Or, How To Survive A Church & Culture Blaming You for Its Indoctrination). Sponsored by the Artificial Art Officials, The Adult Burping Society, & the Church of Abstract Physics. January 4, 2022. Edited by W. Marmoset Yarn for ‘Shoot First & Ask Christian Slater’ productions. (These are excerpts that shall later […]