TreeHouse Publishing Salutes Martin Luther King Day 2024 !

‘A Salute to Someone who Spoke Up Even During a Time when merely to dare say ‘OUCH, THAT HURT’ was considered provocative, militant, & problematic. The Work Continues As All Good Work Must. Our Fathers Victories Were Not Our Own, Only Our Own Efforts Can Secure the Measure of Liberty Required to Bathe Our Dreams […]

The Cost Of Living

‘We May Not Come In the Shapes U Like But We Come.’ Dedicated to All Tribes Who Toil in the Fields of Harvest, in This, the Land of Plenty. Part 1: My wife & I wished to bring our children to Assisi where we got married 20 years ago on the 30th of June, so […]


‘ADAM & HIS XMAS EVE’ Adam closed his almond hazel eyes & made a Xmas wish to the Creator to give him something extra special come the Yuletide season as he’d been lonely for quite some time & hadn’t been getting on too well with the Serpent, who was much too consumed with growing Apple […]