Merry Xmas 2024

What THIS XMAS Means to Me 2024 !

First of all, SEASONS GREETINGS 24/25, its been quite an EXTRAORDINARY YEAR, certainly the most eventful of my own personal lifetime as “THIS, THE WHAT I AM” (packaged as such).
After the rousing & inspired reception in May for our ‘The Pegasus Project’, & the excitement generating tour dates that accompanied it, it was discovered in June, that we’d require Surgery for a small Bladder related issue. So we kept our head focused on the tour so that any potential distractions might be minimized by the lack of attention we were required to pay to it.
Afterwards, back in Milano, we were informed that 2 Cancer Cells were found that the sooner we got to, the better. I was in total accordance & after about a 72 Hour ‘Feeling Full On Self Pity & Woe Is Me Bataan Death March’ vibes. I decamped to the Mountains with some Choice Ganja with a view towards reestablishing a more penetrating mindset aimed at turning the mind into a progressive tool of New Consciousness (i.e. A Positive Healing Programming, turning the energy of FEAR & Darkness into the Engine of Determination & Light).
It worked, as did the ‘8 Treatment Experimental Program’ (more on later) that our wonderful Doctors (Professors A. Necchi, A. Salonia & F. Montorsi particularly).   As of Friday the 13th of December ’24, the SUPER ALL CLEAR was given as per my diagnosis.


Clearly, we will be extrapolating on this monumental ‘Walking Through the Timegate’ Right Of Passage experience more in future tellings, as the story unleashed miles of internal observation, which we assume was as much as for any OTHER reason, WHY we contacted this Process of Discovery & Delivery from what had been a deeply & profoundly toxic life. I managed to get closer to the EMOTIONAL ROOT of this ‘DIS-EASE’ (with my infamously heralded past), & much closer to ‘the Heart of the Issue’, which became its own meditation.

I HAVE NO LEGITIMATE FEAR OF DEATH, which in the light of this emergency, was quite a potential problem. DEATH IS LIFE TRANSMUTED but MY SONS were NOT YET READY to be left without me, so my REASON TO LIVE & the full Activation of my Will to Survive became of Paramount Importance while reminding myself that A Hero’s Spirit lies within each Soul, & NOW WAS MY TIME TO EMERGE & SHINE & co Author the Timeline of the Rest of my Story.
If Jesus turned Water into Vino, then I would have to TAKE THE BULL BY THE PROVERBIAL HORNS & milk that bitch like a mixed metaphor with titties.
And so HERE WE ARE NOW, about to Celebrate Xmas as more than just primarily a Holiday for the Children, which in years past, it had become, more or less.
BECAUSE NOW THE ‘XMAS SPIRIT’ has SHOOK ME, WOKE ME, PUSHED THE RESET, & helped to usher in the New Life that is promised by faith (& Will) to US ALL, upon it being our own time to receive it, WHEN WE ARE READY, ON our own time IF no one ELSE’s. More will be written, as we have much more to share.
Insights & revelations abounded & ALL IN ALL, THE TRIP WAS WORTH THE VALUE it imparted & mercifully reinstated (& fuck Hair, it’s greatly overrated).
I AM HERE NOW, & I ain’t going NOWHERE UNTIL I am ready, upon the time which, I’m sure to be THE FIRST TO KNOW ! AND I didn’t ‘BEAT CANCER’ because I determined that we were not in a fight WITH or AGAINST it, THERE WAS NO BATTLE, there was only me listening to Urgent Cells inform me that IF WE WISHED TO CONTINUE OUR JOURNEY, WE WOULD BE REQUIRED TO
‘SWITCH TRAINS’,  since the Train we were previously riding on had reached its FINAL DESTINATION.
For the Maitreyas, this is our BEST XMAS EVER !
& Upon your Own Graces, We Wish the BEST XMAS EVER for you & yours as well.
Merry Christmas 2024 & Happy New Year 2025,
Sananda Maitreya !
Monday 16 Dec ‘24
Milano, Italia.
ps I would like to thank all the wonderful people who assisted our process at HSR in Milano. My heart is full of gratitude. And lastly, Thank You for your response to “Bondage”, of which I think I might know a thing or two about.

SWITCHING TRAINS – Sananda’s Playlist

#SanandaMaitreya  #SwitchingTrains

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