Easter Posters 2019

Remember dear ones,command your life or suffer it.Because trying to fit your lifeinside the construct of another’swill always find you at disadvantage.So be well & don’t let your feet smell,because the sweet smell of successperfumes the footpath of happiness!Sananda Maitreya new memes! #HappyEaster #SanandaMaitreya © 2019 TreeHouse Publishingwww.Sananda.orgAll Rights Reserved

Thanksgiving 2018!

Happy Thanksgiving !For your amusement & perusal we’ve put together a few ‘Posters Millennium Rock’If you will, to accompany what moments you allow, as & when you may.Myself Sananda, & we here at TreeHouse have more than enough to be thankful for.And our relationship with you are chief among the many blessings we’ve received over […]


Our Beloved Friends,Please Enjoy These ‘All Hallowed Eves’ Halloween Posters.And May The Force Of God’s Fractals Be With Us Whether Or Not We’ve Our Masks On.And May We Soon Change Our Masks Of Tragedy & Sorrow For Our Masks Of Comedy & Joy !Much Love & Healing,Sananda MaitreyaMilano Italia,Autumn 2018 !Sponsored By THE ADULT BURPING […]