BIRTHDAY THANX ‘FOR EVERY OUNCE OF LOVE, A POUND OF FLESH’. First of all, while I’m at it, Have A Merry St. Patrick’s Day, the patron God of remembering your heritage & getting shit faced. For those drawn to it, a remedy as good as any. I wanted to address the DUALITY OF FREEDOM & […]
BIRTHDAY STORY 3/15: THE COUGAR & MR. KÜHN On this day, my 61st, I’d like to give a well deserved Shout Out to another fellow ‘Ides Of March’ birthday celebrant, the brilliant German Jazz musician, JOACHIM KUHN, who was born on this selfsame day in the Year of our Lord 1944. Upon my salad […]
AN ONGOING DIALOGUE WITH INFINITY’S REFLECTION. All of my heroes are by definition flawed. Nor could I relate to them otherwise as I am a Man & not content to be a Caricature. Nor will we be seemingly content, as a restless, angry breed, until EVERY statue is overturned to reveal itself to be bronzed […]
Let it be duly noted that MAKING A CONSCIOUS CHOICE TO PRAISE SOMEONE’s POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION to your LIFE & TIMES does NOT necessarily EQUATE with a TOTAL BLANKET ENDORSEMENT OF THEIR LIFE EXPERIENCE. I came with the tacit intention of PRAISING Mr. Lewis, not to BURY him, which many of you began doing with Surgical […]