Sananda & The Nudge Nudge – Full Video Of LIVE AT RADIO POPOLARE


And while being quarantined by the ZUGEBRIAN TIME LORDS for our failure to participate in their agenda for this portion of our local galaxy and its time line, we still managed to receive our fair share of good news for hard earned new beginnings. The Zugebrians are the sworn nemesis of ZOOATHALON. They do all that they can to deter the spread of consciousness, so as to spread their brand of non-awareness. Their stated goal is to bring our world to even greater restriction, though naturally, ONLY FOR OUR OWN GOOD (and surely not their own). Several times they tried to stop our example, to silence the beating heart of radiance, to intimidate other leaders, dreamers and gamers. To make a public sacrifice of withering the courage of the young. To first IDOLIZE and then MAIM.

ZUGEBRIAN envy opposes anyone or thing not a slave to their ideology. Their attitude is this, “If you do not serve us, you will not serve, you will suffer.” For the Zugebrian mind, the ideology IS the strategy. The Zooathalon sent me Sananda and my small but able crew, the NUDGE NUDGE, to open a time gate for some dignitaries soon to visit the Zooathalon from a parallel universe friendly to our own. We are able to use sound technology and harmonic convergence wave forms to split time atoms and cause reverse HELIOGENESIS. A technique by which the form of time is curved in on itself and looped to form an opening available to use as a time gate. The Zugebrians also make use of this for their own nefarious reasons.

By being radio broadcast, the frequency of our operation is multiplied infinitely, as radio allows for the gross and subtle transport of extra micro-radionic atomic particles which can then be reconfigured as analytical time technology, holograms or even as microwave energetics to manipulate the brain.

And with this task set before us, I and Overlord supervisors Enea ‘The Count’ Bardi and Nick ‘The Sticks’ Taccori set our fantasy time aside and went to the studios of RADIO POPOLARE here in Milano Italy on March 7th 2013, before a live auditorium and the entire nation of Italy, who inhabit a time continuum and a portal into other worlds beyond.

Knowing this, the ZUGEBRIAN TIME LORDS, attempted to stop us. They are master ‘Confusionistas’, interrupters. They love to go around bursting THOUGHT BUBBLES. Then they place you inside your own thought bubble as a restriction while charging you for the space. Regulation and vexation are hallmarks of the Zugebrian experience. Even their ‘ramifications’ have extra sharp horns. The Zugebrians demand a lot for very little in return. Our ZOOATHALOGIC allows us to see beyond their dread hypnosis and mind scrambles and into the heart of reason and the ‘schooling’ of its higher faculties.

We were told that the concert transmission supplied the necessary force differential to secure a time gate opening for the visiting dignitaries and some of the refugees they want to implant on planet Earth, in this era. First they will come to Zooathalon to discuss plans further, after which, it will be our mission to arrange safe passage from the Zooathalon to this orbiting space station, our beautiful planet EARTH.

It will be up to you the listener to determine whether or not the vibrations available to your ears were worthy of the time you gave to the process. Our most powerful ally is spirit.

We present to you the March 7th 2013 Radio Popolare concert. We sincerely hope that you enjoy. This concert is a sonic variation of HELIOGENESIS. Déjà vu’ and coincidence are fingerprints of Heliogenesis, and evidence that the universe is curved and folds back in on itself like the snake that eats its tail. Our desire is that our Post Millennium Rock adventure encourages you to fold back into your mind. Memory is a busy time traveler, but is never bested when well rested. Please enjoy our RETURN TO ZOOATHALON.

Sananda Francesco Maitreya!

Thanks to Matteo ‘Sergente’ Sandri our studio and live sound engineer and proud member of our Zooathalon Space Crew, and an astronaut of sound waves and inner space. We also thank Radio Popolare as well as other radio stations for their brave and well-appreciated support.

Know that with faith and perseverance, dreams do come true. Keep your aim high and your eyes ahead! Remember that before you were here, you were not here, but somewhere else. But now you are here which proves that time travel is real and that time shifts to its own best advantage. Logic is always its own best conundrum and its own worst judge. And THAT is ZOOATHALOGIC.

And special thanks to ROBERTO CAVALLI, it is always most important to look as good as possible for radio listeners.


This broadcast is dedicated to all of the stray cats among you. The alley way is not the only way.

You do not have to make contact with the ZUGEBRIAN* TIME LORDS. Just start thinking for yourself, and they will come looking for you. CHI MI CERCA MI TROVA!

We leave you to ponder this final question of the hour. Are you really a PSYCHIC just because you can see that time repeats itself? Names change, the battle does not.

* Pronounced- zoo-GEB-re-an.