Memes: Summer Posters

It’s been a while since my last communiques concerning matters various, sundry
(& Mundry 😉 & wet with summer sweat. The intervening months have been full of
Focus upon the responsibilities & opportunities fate bestowed. It was a copious, eventful stretch.

I thank you broadly & wildly with my affections & appreciation towards the support in both body & spirit shown to our last sojourn into the petrified forests of MAKING MUSIC ON STAGE AGAIN ! Although but a few short years time elapse, it feels like forever since last playing LIVE & shaking the tail feather from its fossilized frame.

Thanks to everyone involved, my wife Francesca, my wonderful children,
TreeHouse Publishing, our friends, agents & technicians.
And a special thanks to Luisa Corna, The Sugar Plum Pharaohs & YOU !

All pix taken by Sananda Maitreya OR taken FROM Flickr.
All Writing by Sananda Maitreya for TreeHouse Publishing.
Edited by our good friend W. MARMOSET YARN for TreeHouse & ‘Shoot First & Ask
Christian Slater’ Productions.

Please Enjoy in light spirit these measured morsels from the cloud forms that gather at the edge of reason, where the Mind meets the Sky, and the Eye becomes the Sun.

Sananda Maitreya!

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