The Cost Of Living

‘We May Not Come In the Shapes U Like But We Come.’

Dedicated to All Tribes Who Toil in the Fields of Harvest, in This, the Land of Plenty.

Part 1:

My wife & I wished to bring our children to Assisi where we got married 20 years ago on the 30th of June, so here we are. And on that day (Friday, Domani), we will be ‘Re Consecrated’ by the priest of the Church of St. Francis where we betrothed ourselves to one another. Which puts me in a mind to express these things to you:

THERE ARE NO PURE RACES, we are in any event all but ‘tribes’ of the ONE RACE, the HUMAN RACE. And we are neither ‘spiritually’ pure but have ALL taken our turns wearing the technicolored robes of the other. Males have been females, females have been males, fathers have been mothers, brothers have been sisters.

Black men have been white men, white men have been natives, Asians have been Butterflies. We FORGET, but we are ALL & EVERYTHING, & there is nothing that we can imagine that isn’t, for we are all composed of the EXACT SAME ENERGY as that which what we call ‘imagination’ is composed of.


To be a woman is an INCREDIBLE PRIVILEGE, as well as an INCREDIBLE RESPONSIBILITY, & opportunity, bearers of life they are in all of its various formats of existence. Yet, they will ALL tell you that THEY PAY FOR THAT SHIT ! What an immense advantage it is to be A WHITE MAN, in a White Society, though no less a cross to bear, because EVERY ADVANTAGE IS TAXED ACCORDINGLY, & there ARE NO EXCEPTIONS.

WHAT A GREAT ADVENTURE & PRIVILEGE IT IS TO BE A ‘MAN OF COLOR’, what a tremendous access to emotional depth it confers, but for sure IT AIN’T EASY, then again FUCK EASY, EASY IS FOR PUSSIES & there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be obliged to pay the COSTS OF LIVING & MAINTENANCE for these privileged positions we are afforded to create life & work through. Only The Strong Survive.

It cannot be simple to be A JEW !
Then again, why the hell should it be ? It is among the highest honors that life can bestow, to wear the mantle of a beleaguered tribe & in like manner to be transformed by the experience. But THEY WHO ARE CALLED TO IT, ARE MOST ASSUREDLY WORTHY OF IT, for they’d not otherwise accept the commission thereof. Nor are obliged, so only the ‘capable’ need apply.

Part 2:

Beasts of Burden too have a choice to serve or not to serve.

They COULD tell us all to ‘fuck off’ but they DON’T, & the honor & respect we give them for their service they return to us in fidelity & demonstrations of loyalty & the meaning thereof. LIFE in these dimensions were designed to be the challenge that enables us to blossom as the creators of worlds that we’ve often forgotten that we are.

WE ARE CREATORS & Masters Of Our Own Fate, once the willingness to be responsible for such knowledge is assumed. And there is no ‘death’, there are only but further demonstrations of life revealed as we break through the veils that shield one reality from the next. AND IF WE WANTED EASY LIVING, WE WOULD MANIFEST EASY LIVING, but UNTIL we are ready to receive it, IT WOULD OTHERWISE JUST GET IN THE WAY of the great & exciting venture that life is. ‘LORD DON’T MOVE MY MOUNTAIN, BUT GIVE ME THE STRENGTH TO CLIMB’ suggests the old ‘Negro Spiritual’, because who moves my mountain STEALS MY THUNDER & blunts the veracity of my claim.

Whosoever we are, whatever role we have chosen to play, WE PAY FOR THE TIME WE SPEND ON THE STAGE, for we are more than equal to the task, & we’d be bored shitless were it any other way. WE ALL HAVE OUR CROSSES TO BEAR, no matter what it may ‘look like’ from the outside of our various preferred illusions. And we are by varying degrees ALL DELUSIONAL, though IF YOUR DELUSION WORKS FOR YOU, then by all means, keep it until it doesn’t anymore, for we are allowed what works for us, WHILE it does, & can switch it up at any time necessity demands.

I HAVE BEEN YOU, & YOU HAVE BEEN ME, & what I may ‘hate’ about you is just what I’ve not yet resolved within myself. AND WE EACH HAVE EVERY GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO BE AS PROUD AS FUCK AS WHAT WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN & CALLED TO BE.

White Pride is not a Sin !
Though your belief that your pride allows for greater privilege & exaltation just MAY be.
Black Pride, Asian Pride should be celebrated in the exact same measure as the appreciation for what the OTHERS have been called upon to uplift & praise because NONE OF THIS IS WITHOUT CONSEQUENCE nor THE PRICE OF THE TICKET & merely to be ALIVE BEARING WITNESS TO LOVE IS A MOST EXTRAORDINARY THING.

Nor should ANYONE have to apologize for the colors of their rainbow.

‘White Privilege’ (as with all such destinies) is KARMA, which can be abused, as it often is, or used to benefit the lives of all touched by it. And as a TIGER according to my Chinese Horoscope, I am well aware of the power inherent in such an assignment, & have been blessed by time to have learned that with great power comes even greater responsibility, which I am either worthy of, or I am not, but must pay the costs either way.

WE LOVE YOU & God Knows that ‘It Ain’t Easy’, but none of my bitches are easy, THAT’s HOW I KNOW THAT THEY ARE MY BITCHES. Then again, if it were easy, I’d not have accepted the commission, for ‘easy’ would just as easily put me back to sleep.
And I much prefer being AWAKE TO LIFE, as it makes her more responsive to my seductions.

So on this eve of my 20th Wedding Anniversary, I bid you all these ‘sentiments of remembrance’ because from time to time, none of us are exempt from needing to be reminded of who we are & WHY WE ARE HERE.

Now, as our Jews would say, ‘GO, MAKE, DO, BE’ & be your bad ass self with the fullness of your being because whatever we do, we pay for, & we may as well extract the full value of the experience for the expenses we incur in blood & most certainly in spirit.

Sananda Maitreya !
Thursday 29 June, 2023
Assisi, Umbria, Italia.


Post Script:

Please Be Aware that I am NOT a Missionary (even if admittedly I’m partial to the ‘position’ (;-/) nor have I the need to convert, & it’s not even remotely important to me that ANYONE besides myself believe in what makes sense to me. If what you’ve chosen (or inherited) to accompany your spirit through life makes sense to you & gratifies, then BY ALL MEANS may you be attended by it. What comforts us are sponsored by the Fruits of Infinity’s Mercy.

Though remember if you dare that there is no religion or philosophy on earth that is greater than THE YOU YOURSELF & your IMMENSITY. We are no less divine even as we choose to rebel against or ignore it altogether. Walking in darkness is all the more exciting when we KNOW that the Light awaits our return when we are ready to return, & sometimes walk through the dark we must, while retrieving what matters to us, & there is much in the darkness that we’ve abandoned to accomodate the shapes expected of us from our societal institutions.

A WISE MAN much smarter than I’ll ever be once reminded us that (& I’m VERY loosely paraphrasing ) ‘Man Was Not Made for the Sabbath (Beliefs, Philosophies, Political Affiliations, etc) but was the Sabbath Made for Man’. And believing in OURSELVES is the most important aspect of our faith. And all things follow as our embrace of life proceeds. FEAR IS EXCITING, so we harbor & nurture our fears while we utilize them to entertain, instruct, & embolden us until they no longer hold us in their hypnotic sway.

And we are all allowed to invest interest in what makes sense to us. Nor is it demanded that we believe in anything at all, EXCEPT life itself & our right to be wherever we are when we find ourselves working our way back through the stars we left behind as trail markers & breadcrumbs to help find our way back home.

We Are Masters Of Our Fate, & ignorance prevails until we are willing to let go of it to see LIFE AS IT IS, as opposed to Life As We Fear It Is. And our greatest nemesis is in what we are ‘Supposed to Be’ rather than WHAT WE ARE. I don’t wish to offend, unless you are eager to be offended due to the dopamine rush we derive from it, otherwise just ignore ALL OF THIS & know that if YOU ARE GOOD, THEN I AM GOOD & that’s all that matters at the close of the day. And the Golden Rule is never not made to fit the measure of what serves our humanity best.

And this holds true throughout the hours of the livelong day, from the Birds of the Morning, all the way to the Crickets that herald the arrival of Evening song. Sananda !

Edited by W. Marmoset Yarn
For Eidmar & ‘Shoot First &
Ask Christian Slater’ Productions
As well as TreeHouse Publishing.
Sponsored by the ‘Society for Adult Burping’ & ‘Union Of Short Tempered Shepherds & Amalgamated Short Sighted Tour Guides’.

© TreeHouse Publishing, 29th June 2023

The Madame Maitreya & I as well as me at 4 ALREADY tired of all of this bullshit (;-/)