Her Kiss (Acoustic)

We thought St. Valentine’s Day would be an opportune moment to present another version of ‘HER KISS’.

This time of course, the ‘Acoustic’ version that appears on ‘Pandora’s PlayHouse’.
I’ve been yearning for a while & waiting for the right time to make a Black & White film of one of the songs on the project & this seemed like a good space to execute the urge.
We asked our good friend Luciano to edit & create a different atmosphere with the use of original & ‘found’ footage & he, as always, made it happen in alignment with what vision was shared with him.
We hope that you enjoy it, because at the end of the day (& the Rainbow),
‘Cause Love Is Love, Love Is Love, Love Is Love’. (Les Paul Man).
And better to have loved & lost than to be caught with your dick in your hand in somebody else’s bathroom with a dumb look on your face.
And whosever’s ‘Kiss’ whets the appetite protruding from your wet lips, may you have as much of it as your passion desires & fulfillment demands.
And be not afraid to take your chances (with good grace) as they appear.
After all, our good buddy THE BUDDHA said it best;
Have A Romantic St. Valentine’s Day, even if you’re just loving yourself & the privilege to be that person closest to your own hand. And thank you again, for the privilege of your kind attentions.
Sananda Maitreya !
TreeHouse Publishing
Milano, Italia
February 14, 2022.

#SanandaMaitreya #HappyValentinesDay #HerKissAcoustic

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