Happy 4th of July !

America isn’t just the boundaries of a Nation though its borders present that as but one definition of what it or ANY Country may be. But as many who have dreamed of its embrace may attest, more importantly, ‘AMERICA’ is an IDEAL, as well as a STATE OF MIND.

For myself & many such dreamers as I, sometimes ‘America’ cannot be fully realized & attained at home but its vision must be elsewhere transported so as to allow that vision to be lived out in those places & spaces whereby ‘America’ can be brought to fruition the manner in which it may have been denied within the confines of its own physical geography.

For despite the countless & continued struggles of many to accomodate the Reality of a nation with the Promise it confers upon those who dare to wrestle with its often complicated dimensions, it nevertheless remains as inspired an ideal to pursue as any that has heretofore flown a flag framed beneath a big blue sky & blown by a bold & majestic billowing wind.

So here’s to every strand of each tribe & community that has strengthened the fabric of America by enduring the trials & tribulations inherent in establishing one’s place amongst & between the Stars & Stripes, & who have even worn those Stripes upon their backs, & seen those Stars within their eyes, maybe while dazed & confused, but DETERMINED to rise from the trenches of the ‘Come What May’ to firmly entrench their claim on the land of the Blood Stained Banner, on Milk & Honey’s salubrious & celebrated soil.

Freedom is never a Bridge too Far, nor Dignity an Hour too Late.


From An American Immigrant (to Italy),

Sananda Maitreya !
4 July 2023
Milano, Italia.

© TreeHouse Publishing, 4th July 2023

Edited by W. Marmoset Yarn
For EIDMAR Enterprises &
‘Shoot First & Ask Christian Slater’ Productions.
Sponsored by ‘The Church Of Abstract Physics’, a Social Club
for ‘Thinkers & Beer Drinkers’.
Founded in either 1777 or 1977
(the records were beer stained &
not clear) by my paternal Ancestor Lord Godfrey Helpus.*
Special Thanx to Agnes Silverstein
& Aurora Goldman of ‘Periodic Tables’ Management.
And as always the ‘Adult Burping
Society’ our Home Way from Home,
Where always a Good Burping & a Friendly Embrace Awaits !

Photos Courtesy of Flickr.

* Lord Helpus was an Englishman who thought that he was getting on a boat to Spain & wound up in America. I guess sometimes the Wrong Boat is the Right Move !

Sananda’s 4th of July Playlist: