11 11 2022

I’d like to thank all of you very much who’ve given notice to our video production of
‘Mama’s Boy Blues’. We are most grateful for the broad & generous reception & are moved to have heard how many other people have been encouraged by it in the various ways in which it has touched our divergent humanity. We look forward to future upcoming presentations in the hope that they too find a home in your heart.

I’d also like to take advantage of the opportunity to Congratulate the latest incoming inductees into the ROCK & ROLL HALL OF FAME, but particularly ‘THE EURYTHMICS’.

Many Moons ago, in a particularly difficult state of mind, I was blessed to have been fortunate enough to have crossed paths with the Madame Lennox who wasted no time coming to my psychological aid & comfort & reassuring me from the resonant space of her own experiences in conjunction with her insightful thoughtfulness & psychic sensitivity. And we once shared quite a long flight whereby I received the soft balm of her Scottish burr soothing me with words of wisdom & sensibility, not to mention salubrious dollops of droll humor. Which I never forgot, nor will. Whereas with Maestro Stewart, I used to hang out at his place in Los Angeles where I (& many lucky musicians & troubadours) always felt welcomed & right at home.

It’s also great to finally see DURAN DURAN (with whom I toured in the early 90’s) get the recognition that their work has earned them. Rock has many faces & meanings & theirs was as legit as any other attitude having been previously calcified into the stone arches of remembrance.

Thank You Very Much,

Sananda Maitreya !
11 November 2022
Milano, Italia.

#SanandaMaitreya #MamasBoysBlues #DuranDuran #RockHall #Eurythmics 

© TreeHouse Publishing, Nov 11th 2022.