Memes: Milano – Estate Sforzesca Videos

‘I Swear I Saw A Chicken Cross The Road For This Concert !’

I just wanted to alert the many musical friends that I am extremely fortunate to have that I am excepting a few songs from our most recent Summer Concert in Milano, Italia:
‘SANANDA MAITREYA & The Sugar Plum PHARAOHS’ Feat. Luisa Corna !

More of the full concert as well as other offerings will be made available very shortly.

We hope you enjoy this brief sample of our initial foray into the space/time continuum as
The ‘Sugar Plum Pharaohs’. We aim to develop even more fully as we descend into the belching burning breach of further exploration through the expanding vortexes of experience as we navigate the fields of sonic service.

The Sugar Plum Pharaohs are:
Marco Mengoni: Drums & Backing Vocals
Luca ‘Fresh’ Fraula: Keyboards
Luca ‘The Other Luca’ Pedroni: Guitars
Francesca Morandi: Bass
Sananda Maitreya: Vocals, Guitars, Keyboards, Percussion
& Featuring Luisa Corna as The Lovely Luisa Corna !

Sananda Maitreya & TreeHouse Publishing
September 25 2018 !

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