Happy Halloween 2023 !

Autumn has always been my favorite time of the year.
Whereas Spring announces the rebirth of everlasting arrival,
‘The Fall Season’ explodes with the marvelous diversity of maturity
Whereby the Sensuous Vanity of Nature puts her Exhibitionist Proclivities
& her full array of Transformational Tonal Variety on Vivid, Molecular Display.


And Autumn is the Black Cat of the 4 Quarters of the Year,
The ‘Diva Of the Dance’,
& the Herald for the Hallmark of the Harvest’s Horn of Copious Yield.

And Halloween, All Saints Reflection, & the Honoring of the Memory of the Dead who too in their own Season Shall Rise Once Again is her moment for ‘Stepping Out’, & her chance to ‘Drink Her Drink’ & ‘Dance Her Dance’ before turning her attentions within in preparation for Winter, her Season of Rest, when the Winds begin to reclaim their Primordial Voice & Howl at the Frozen Pearl that we have named the Moon.

Happy Halloween !

And Keep Your Eyes Open Always, Getting Out of your Head is No Excuse to Lose your Mind.
I include a Photographic Artwork that my family presented to me as a gift.

It’s an Image of their Eyes. The top one is the Madame Francesca, the one to the bottom left is our Francesco Mingus, & the one to the bottom right is the ‘Eye Of Elvis’. I’m sharing it because I thought that it was SUCH a Cool Idea, that I imagined other families doing it as well. If the Eyes Are the Window of the Soul,

Then Open them Wide, & Let your Love Light Shine ! Like the Lamps that this World Needs in our Moments of Madness & just as Much in our Moments of Mirth.

Sananda Maitreya !



31 ‘Octopus’ 2023

Milano, Italia.

© 2023 TreeHouse Publishing.

Photo Credits: All Pix Courtesy of either Flickr, the Maitreya Family Archives or Generative AI.

Post Script: 

As the Eyes Foto was a Surprise Gift to me from my bitches, my own peepers were excluded, though my Madame Francesca wants us to do another one with my Corneas attached even though I’m perhaps a bit more in awe of the ‘Law Of 3’ as represented by their thoughtful offering. I’d completed a long standing project & they’d wanted to present me with something celebrating yet another ‘Vision’ being undertaken & realized.

I was quite moved when they unwrapped it for me after Cakes from our friends at ‘Cova’, our fave Milanese Pastry Shop, on those rare & special occasions when I allow myself to indulge in the Culinary Gloriousness that coat my taste buds like Sweet Manna from Heaven’s Pantry. 

And as it happens, my Ocular Projection is almost exactly identical to my Wife Francesca, a Hazel Green Hue, looking right at YOU ! SM !