Mountain thoughts: fresh produce from the mountain’s pantry. 



If the mountain does not come to Mohammed they can just Skype one another.



The only labels I care about are wine labels.



Being free of chains is not easy. So we replace them with what vices remain.



The way in is the way through and the way through is the only way out.



Love must be pressed and tried. We lose it if we don’t use it.




We are nothing if not contradiction, though contradiction makes us more.



Mountains are memory and remind us of who we are.



Dedication and attention to your marriage is the highest form of spiritual meditation. 
Only the brave are called to it.



Arrange it as you might, the key to happiness is simple good living. The simple life is the charmed life. Wealth can often obscure it.



These mountain thoughts do not come from the author, they come through the author, like most good things.



Mountains are grand masters of magnetic consciousness. Clouds are the children of mountains.



Clouds have faces because the mountains have faces. Snow is a gift from the mountain and some of our children are gifts from the mountain.



Kate should have been my girl, but my throne was too shaky. 
(and you can’t blame a girl in these days and times for going for the most secure throne available).

“She was the Duchess of Hallelujah 
But on Saturday night she’ll fool ya…”

track no. 13 of Angels & Vampires – vol.2 



The ugly truth of fighting is that it brings us closer and is often how love pays its dues.



Love is complicated, but no less rich because of it.




And finally, if we make it too easy for ourselves, we fall asleep and lose something. 
Usually, our will. Our wits are inspired by graft.





“Duchess” Live:




I came to the mountains because I heard about this great nudist magician who pulls rabbits out of his butt….




MILANO 30th APRIL 2011