Sunday, June 14, 1998

For the record….

The recording of “Solar Return” has yielded from the bosom of my muse about 50 songs. Of those I have co-produced four, with three different co-producers; God bless them. One of those was for another project which did not make the cut because it was deemed too different. I say this because someone asked if it were true that I was working with a bunch of other producers. The answer my beloved friends is no, although I am deeply greatful for the oppurtunity to work with the three that I have experimented with. 
At this point, I am rather convinced that at least two of those songs will be included on “Terence Trent D ‘Arby’s Solar Return.” As a producer, I would equate myself as an auteur type director yet; a very viable case could be made that a ‘producer ‘ never really produces anything alone. 
I have always chosen to work with very musical engineers and/or programmers whose ears I can count on to give me the sounding board that artist like myself are wise to depend on. 
Ultimately, even when I play everything and arrange everything blah, blah, blah, you still include the vibe and support of the person in the room with you, even if it is just the cleaning lady. In the grand scheme of things, she should get a production credit as well. 
That she doesn’t is usually down to the fact that she doesn ‘t have a strong enough lawyer.

Welcome to showbusiness!!!

In conclusion, I would like to say how grateful I am, at 36, to have lived long enough to see the babes finally beginning to get their props in rock-n-roll. As a huge generality, from my subjective standpoint, the most interesting music of the past two years in my cd collection has been made by the honeys. 
The very the latest of which is Imani Coppola. She is fresh, original, and her music is as adorable as she comes across. Whether it ‘s been marketed as rock, country, RandB, hip-hop or whatever. The women are providing us a very necessary and long overdue breath of fresh perspective – my debt of huge gratitiude to the Goddess.

Peace out,
14 June 1998

I kiss you all with lips beyond my own…

Ps. I do not have a computer or else I would converse with you loving earthlings more frequently, in the hours that separate daybreak from twighlight. My sincerest thanks, therefore, to madamoiselle Christine Belden of Java Records for graciously faciliating our communication. 
In my humble estimation, she totally rules.