Dear fellow 'masochisti-musicisti' and other Bronx cheerleaders,

It is never wise to demonise others for those are the same demons which come back to haunt you.

The price we pay for peace is the courage to walk away from things we don't need and from situations which no longer serve us.


Reason raises 

Why is God always used by the state to justify war and division but never to justify charity and peace? 


Since God 
Is evoked as the author of war 
Is it any wonder 
Why there are less Christians than there
Were before?
People pray for peace 
While the government prays 
To extend the lease


It is in pushing against our obstacles that our sparks are created. The sparks of light which see us through the dark patches and provide further inspiration. 

There comes a time when a president must choose whether to be partisan or whether to be great. History glances over those who choose in times of crisis to hide behind a political veil, and boldly outlines with civic pride those who chose to lead from their core and not from their base. 

A national disaster tax of 2% of income earned that all capable Americans would contribute to, would allow the possibility of a national fund for the purpose of meeting the challenges of national catastrophes. Businesses would also contribute 2% of profit for the purpose of updating prevention systems, improving the staffing and mobility of the better equipped emergencies services and money for the desperately affected. Should an earthquake decimate California, a twister tear through Texas or the emergence of another hurricane of Katrina's wrath, there would be a ready fund to assist those structures and individuals who could use reminding that we are and will remain one nation under God, indivisible.
This money could also be used as investment capital to increase its value and to be used as hedge insurance to help bolster our currency against other currencies. 

A healthy ego is important otherwise the id gets weighed down with too much contemplative burden.

At this point in history it is conclusively shameful to have to point out that the record industry in America only seems comfortable promoting an African American male Artist if they've killed someone. Yet these same people, who would promote such images are the same people who vote for tougher laws to help protect them from the same types they are promoting. Huh?

Shooting someone will get you signed. Killing someone will get you promoted.

An argument never gets resolved until you let it go.


Each mesmerising thing 
Is attended by spirits,
Half attached to what it observes
And still tethered by tide 
To the masses 
This is why the pull and sway 
A woman's mind is made this way
Even before 
Knee-socks give way 
To dresses
To make love 
To all of the world
While it kills 
What it caresses


I knew a man as old as the wood
But he could say No 'Ah' before the flood
Or at least this is what he claims 
Before, he'd clear his throat and out leapt flames


Is butter proud to be hard 
Relieved to be soft?
The latter means joy can be spread
The former just tears up the bread.


Hickory dickory dock 
The mouse ran up the clock
You'd think she'd spotted some cheese
Instead she was out running her fleas.


I lay in bed in rumpled sheets 
Dreaming what I'd boasted
Meanwhile the pig was chasing apples
While my ass was getting roasted.


Glow worm Glow worm
Advertise your centipede 
Your friend is a foot stores dream 
And you both have many mouths to feed.


When Venus De Milo had arms 
She had no reason to shelter her charms
From those who were prone to hang on 
And once her hands turned to stone
Begged the next sculptor to leave her alone


Rose quartz ringing joyful bells
And with a rush of giggles the heart swells
Sometimes rhymes are indulgent, lenient 
Most times simply convenient


And with a great big fart , they all laughed
And she blushed redder than a bull's spear
Even the champagne bubbles turned flat
And tasted more like sulphur after that !


We are aiming to have Volume II, Chapter I available before the end of the year. Thank you for your fresh attentions !

(And remember: No time spent doing what you love is ever time wasted)