
Shot down by a senators' arrow
left wounded and bleeding on the eastern plain
a lady on a white horse appeared
applauded and cheered
then asked to shelter what remained
I staggered up on her molten steed
and dropped the path that saddled my back
this feels finally on track
there are no expectations
just a need
to circumcise this grief
then, when appendage is limp
I erect to Morpheus in bronze and cotton
the simple dreams
that I'd forgotten


A falcon aloft
perched on a tree
stretching his veil of
and scanning the fields
beneath its claws
and beneath its old desires
while measuring the wind
to see how much
wingspan the day requires.


A falcon
soaring on a pin point roam
the sky is home
a tree top is strictly for the birds
and trees are full of leaves
for the shadows they bring
a falcon gets fed up with
other people's moans
in falcon mind there's only room
for silence and the will to survive
but wait
falcon now sees rodent
and begins his dive


The falcon can never flinch
in the presence of what it fears
this would betray the law of those
who pray before they prey
and would expose all in a moment
sensitive are the arrows ears
to the breath of what calls to own it
death is coming
be still
I'll bend its form
to my feathered will


Once while flying through the air
a worm got stuck in my throat
that's the last time
I'll keep my diet light
now I only eat
what I have to fight


Coarse are the feathers
that stick to the back
of the blade
a stitch
will be needed for sure
but at least you know
your blood is pure
and that your honour has made
the grade
and suffers not
for loss of face
once, while in rich fields of hay
I did without delay
vanish without a trace
and seeing this I did
forever more
straddle the spaces I hid before


The bow creased the wind like a mad thrust
And found its seat in my wailing vein
And the problem in being vain
Is that it saps one's spirit as well as pride
But after the paragraphs have died
Which spoke of valour in the face of death
All one can do is swallow and take another breath


At the branding board
Mary went through several periods
Where she could only
Paint in blood
Judas smokes beneath
A hammered tree

One – two – three


Falcon hears the wretched
Anguish and screams
Of mute despair
The hammering of flesh
And the fists between the beams
Balled up like a rusted sickle
He thinks to himself
Man's faith
Is so fickle
Even when they are praying
They are still only preying on
The feathers that fall
From the father's only son


Falcon recalls:
As soon as I jumped in the water
I saw sharks
With my blue star tail
And the water making sparks
I hatched out in a nest of
Aches and pains
And I wear my feelings
Like I use to wear my chains


The sax players solo
Was longer then mine
So I curled up my trumpet
And counted the time
It was past midnight
And I had to go
I was already in the cab
When I started to blow
I'd have missed
My train
To Buffalo


One blink of the eye
And 'BAM' its tree
And tired of chewing the scenery
Falcon takes to the road
A beak can be fixed
A wing can be sewed
and a good story
can always be found
to justify the turnaround
and maybe he'll adjust his blueprint
while stranded on the ground


A falcon
Once spotted a hummingbird
Flickering over its shoulder
It couldn't think of an animal
Sweeter or bolder
For once falcons' thoughts
Joyful surprise
Instead of its usual
Swarm of flies


Regurgitating a meal
That sat too dead to last
Falcon saw
Flashes of his past
Before the mountain bleachers
Stood and waved
And before his sight
Across the skyways were paved
With all that he would need
To survive
A moment once dense
Now flees to the light
And extracts its tubular knives
His vision no longer clouded
By memories of splitting
A swollen fence
When his wings were overcrowded


Buzzards hover over a warm spot
A rabbits carcass curves around
Where his heart is not
The rest shall be entrails
À la carte
The falcon blinks once
Simply by witnessing
He's played his part
And never ventures beyond his pride
Or beneath his eye line
Buzzards can keep limp rabbits
Falcon must feed falcon habits
Or face shadows in the night time


Wolf in the moonlight
Quiet and still
guarding the rays that fall
in a nest
high above the streams
the falcon
keeps steady watch
and telegraphs
its dreams



A falcon a pigeon projected
After tangy berries had its neurons affected
Whistle gasp and spit!
And right after that: WOW real pigeon shit!


MILANO 24th JUNE 2005