'The Capricorn on the cob' poems:


There is joy at last to tell! 
More than doubt can swallow 
the birds of carnival whose shape flies like mask
will be out of sight tomorrow
fate arrives like ribbon streams and says 
that fortunes follow 
when the higher mind is full of dreams 
and the little mind 
is hollow


If words over state 
what then underplays?
although in most states 
silence underpays


Sons of God
Sons of bitches
stole all of my money 
(though I kept the riches)


Some call it insomnia 
though it's only in truth
a wakeup call for more of the work
which must be done.


Bloop bloop
Gulp gulp
A fishes' first words
waiting for a drop of drizzle
and mouth shut to avoid the sizzle


The problem with a fish dropping out of school
is that the others follow, starting every time a new school 
all over again


A whale stranded on the beach
in his last gasps this thought: 
'bloody mermaids, 
they all want the perfume
but no one has 
the spare room'


An octopus was feeling less than octo
after the hammerhead became
the only procto
the visit is never easy at best 
one porthole and eight arms aching 
and only seven days to rest


A sword fish digging for clams
comes up with a terrible sneeze
now Mrs Swordfish can't be sure 
if she's still as eager to please


Said Starfish to a startled Turtle:
'Falling stars fall into the sea
cursing their fate bitterly, 
until they begin to settle
then loan themselves 
to seahorses as they're 
learning how to saddle'
Turtle remembered as little one 
when learning how to paddle
that Starfish would give a nudge 
the heavens spat out anchors
so that the sea would never budge
and that those stars, once mad at moons,
would let drift away their grudge


Never has a Dolphin seen 
a man she couldn't move
and never has a Shark seen 
the remnants of a glove 
and not covered his mind in blood
for Dolphins man is a stranded sailor
for Sharks man is just food


singing to the Coral
their glow arrives from this procedure
choirs form because they need ya
to witness the birth of worlds 
in fragments from their voices
the rest is left to choices
which blocks to use for building
and which to use for stumbling
and with a mindset towards the latter bricks 
to start those stones a'tumbling


Had Neptune waited for time
to grant him the key to the shore 
the clock would still be 
wet with sweat, stifled 
by the weight at its door
there is only so much heat 
that time can take before 
naturally it begins to expand
and blow to hell all previous plans
which fall through time like grime
through cracks
and like fresh dimes through fat cushions
(and always found by the same child that just moments
Before you were shushing – 'shhhh' 
I'm on the phone!)
Neptune had Midas make a throne 
while his touch was still in hand
then carved his boundaries 
into the earth 
when he was exiled
from the land


a bunch 
for breakfast and for lunch!
But dinner requires more
and this is why the first fish
began to walk ashore


O the flavanoids and crystals in your love!
It drips on me like bacon fat 
and nestles in where old lovers sat
and brings me to a boil
it fattens up my thermostat 
and drenches it in oil


Will I ever receive 
the lion mind 
who need only sniff 
the air 
to know that JAH 
is passing there


I followed her down to the steps of the sea
with no intention of raping her
though I sidled up to the wedge 
that it would be I and not barnacles scraping her
who know that her last breaths 
would be measured out 
between ankle lapping waves and shot ringing out
and limply, as a scarf dashes out 
across a rushing wind
there were no doubt that I'd be framed 
my love condemned 
and my window of opportunity shamed


It guarantees a raise


We are here and 
the shallows are receding 
it looks as if 
we'll be just fine
for a while
we'll just be feeding 
and chopping the cork
off of yesterday's wine


Christos met a girl at the fair
and by gust of wind saw her 
garment close to there 
he marvelled at his gift:
to command the air 
when he needed a lift


Once Dionysus was peeling a grape
to fashion the skin as a space
for ants 
the unsung father of the break-dance
after he'd fallen asleep 
with the seeds in his pants


Just shut up!
So I did and then what…
The whole thing falls apart 
now they're begging me to speak 
when I would just much rather fart, 
fall asleep on top of the amps 
and wait for the bus to start


maybe it's a judgement
maybe just sensation
though I refuse to believe
that being a Christian 
means that you can't rot 
just 'ein bißchen'*


When push comes to shove 
shove comes to me and I
throw him out on his ass
(he's got a donkey you see)
and send him back 
to push to harass


Shivering, sweating,
dear life hoping.
Come morning
I realized I wasn't sick
at all 
just moping


Boredom nudges under your chin sometimes
and games' called on account of rain
this may sound insane 


When Christos yawns 
the birds alight 
and follow magnetics
that pulsate stamina
vortexes swirl that 
pays focus to flight
three flaps of the wings
When Dio, through his son 
Dionysus inhales 
all bad intention 
in the heart 


Christos fell asleep by a rock
and it, feeling joyful kept him awake
he'd felt that rest was what he needed
but in the wake of laughter
fatigue receded


Without something to kick against
pioneers get bored 
which is why sometimes
engineers curse the Lord
to engender a little slap
unless the Christos was taken aback 
and voices his annoyance 
in thunderclap


* 'ein bißchen' means 'a little' in German


You may use it, yet not abuse it!