Congratulations to GEORGE MICHAEL!

He is as fine a singer, song writer, producer as our time has produced. He deserves this new Sony deal. I had a front row seat and saw how the Mottola regime in America sabotaged his success out of simple petty jealousy, malice and not a little homophobia.
At the time there was great jealousy over the English acts who were succeeding in America and since licensed acts are less profitable than home grown ones, each of us namely GEORGE, myself and SADE, were all sacrificed in one way or another and also greatly jacked of our earnings.
The Sony culture has always had a problem with self-contained Artists, whose content they didn't control and the US company was always far more of a political beast than a musical one. I know in my heart that George would have never done this deal, were the Mottola regime still in place. I have great respect for George, we once had the same lawyer and were both crushed simply for standing up and being men about our business.
He has suffered greatly as all true artists must, if they are to remain true.
He who laughs, lasts.


Heart felt Congratulations to PRINCE for his induction into 'THE ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME – Class of 2004'!
It is immensely deserved and I am very proud of him. Had he not sold one record, I would still have elected him because he was the prototype of a whole new thing. He switched our formula to something more. There is not a serious musician who has come after him whose concept of music he did not add to. It is impossible now to convey what a huge breath of fresh air he brought into the world at the time. 
Congratultion also to our dear baby Beatle GEORGE HARRISON.


Pain is the raw fuel of happiness. We convert the energy, when we convert our opinion of ourselves from those who suffer pain to those who allow pain.


Resolving conflict is the root of the creative urge. Conflict stimulates the creative urge.


Don't expect your God to pour out extra if you are not willing to put in extra.


Time shall bring further confirmation that THELONIOUS MONK and CHARLES MINGUS were major American composers of the first rank and the study and appreciacion of their work will increase and be disseminated by fresh disciples.


The desire of the Lord is the shape of the law and folds naturally into the will of time.


A shout out of respect to the HAWKINS family, particularly EDWIN and WALTER from whom I learned a great deal about song writing and arranging. They are masters of their craft as well as masters of service and I thank them for the education and inspiration. This likewise applies to ANDRAE CROUCH!


Someone should re-release the cd that BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN and MIAMI STEVE produced for GARY US BONDS in the early '80s.
It's a classic meeting of like minded heads and needs to be resurrected for a new crew of admirors. I was priviledge to perform one of the songs with Bruce in Madison Square Garden a few years ago.


Respects and love to the families of the brave young soldiers who have died in Iraq.
My love also and deepest symphaties to the Italian families who recently lost their sons and daughters, sisters and brothers in Iraq. All praises be to the name of your God. 
The Lord always looks after the souls of those who died in service to others.


To my painter friends: if at first you don't succeed, you can always GAUGUIN! 
…especially if you GOYA your own way!


Beware of crap, it weakens your mind and leaves you susceptible to more crap.


A shout out of respect to the FUN LOVIN' CRIMINALS and their crew. 
Much success and keep your eyes open.


Love naturally protects those who have faith in its power.


True Art is healing being shared.


TUPAC SHAKUR was a visionary poet and prophet of the front lines. He described the truth as he saw it and lived it. It is fitting that he be honoured as one of our greats!


Patience accelerates karma.
Impatience disturbs the waters bringing your tide in and leaves your swimmers exausted.


Be a witness to yourself and you already have two, 
and after two, three ain't nothing but time…


Virtue is the only key to happiness all other ways 
hurt you!


Where we come from is a lot closer to where we need to go than we think.


Perhaps CHRISTOPHER REEVES really IS Superman!
He is certainly a Super-inspiration!


The family dog is the essence of the family spirit.


As a piscean I swim with two fish. 
This means that I am a Swordfish when I am not being Selfish!


I've always appreciated their approach to music.


Especially since I have moved to Italy I have learned that:



We may never change the world as we see it but if we can at least be good husbands to our wives we will have done a man's work.


It is in looking back that we begin to crystalize.


Have no doubt, the disease is the cure. Be patient, bear with your process and all will be well.


I would love to see a film made one day on the great irish musician PHIL LYNOTT.
He was the vision of the group THIN LIZZY and a rock poet. What a great story his life has to tell.


Character is the fruit of struggle.


Comparison is by its nature corrupting.


The only barrier that exists between the 3rd and 4th dimensions are the limits of our senses.
Imagination is a product of the 4th dimension, Joy is of the 5th.


Cynicism is the mid-wife of corruption.


The rape of a woman is a most despicable act of cowardice. It is not an act of manhood. 
It rather betrays the lack of manhood and is always a self-loathing act. It is a crime against humanity and should always be severely punished.


Respects and well done to my old friend LENNY HENRY, I've heard his stage show in London catches him in fine form. He's always been one of my favourite comedian/philosophers and he's a cool guy as well! Best of luck for his future happiness.


The salmon who swims upstream grows confident that, the direction of the tide will not determine the direction of his path.


Respects to LIONEL RICHIE who taught a lot of us the importance of being able to write to every man and not just to a small marketing niche. He is one of the very best song writers and performers of our time.


Death was devised as an act of mercy to break up our suffering. We only die because we suffer so.


Our animosity towards one another is only our animosity towards ourselves played out in real time. When we forgive ourselves for having judged how far we've fallen from Grace, then the hostility towards ourselves will cease and the world will know Peace.


Finally my nightingales……….

There is only Grace protecting us from what we don't need.